Are You Different? No, You Are an INFJ

Vi Dziu
2 min readOct 1, 2019
Photo by from Pexels

What a great feeling to know that you are not alone and there are people who understand you.

A new era started in my life when I found out about the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Their welcoming phrase “It’s so incredible to finally be understood” describes the experience at its best. I found my type, I understood and answered a lot of unspoken questions. However, now I want to discuss a few particular scenarios I lived out, namely being a black sheep and having schemes.

“It’s so incredible to finally be understood.”

That’s nothing wrong with people who try to adjust you to their standards. My close friend tries to do this to me. What is wrong here is to succumb. People, by nature, want others to be up to a standard because it is easier to understand and control them. And it is hard not to fall under other’s influence if you don’t see proof for validation of your feelings and who you are.

That’s a significant relief to read about my type and understand that my initial thought in the argument-discussion was not bad or shows that I am broken or wrong, but only shows who I am.

Before I read more of my type, I would always hesitate and rely more on people’s thoughts than on my own. Then I found the explanation that described what I felt so accurately that I believed in myself. Now I see that many habits that I have I don’t need to change to be common, but accept them.

The other vivid example of being an INFJ is schemes and strategies. We, INFJs, are used to doing things in a specific way and cannot get why other people choose to do things differently, usually in a less productive and inefficient way. Also, our schemes are a topic for arguments and discussions. We adore our theories and ideals. We are longing to make this world better, even if we improve small everyday jobs such as making coffee in a more convenient way.

Do you want to hear a drama scenario? For us, INFJs, schemes are quite natural but imagine what happens when two INFJs meet (even if it is a scarce occasion) and one’s scheme contradicts the other. Oh, you don’t want to be there. We can’t accept the other’s scheme because ours is rooted in our mind and looks like the only right way.

Whatever you type is, believe that you are okay the way you are. Believe your feelings. Explore your type to find even more exciting stuff about yourself. Be understood.



Vi Dziu

Not a native English speaker, but highly passionate about languages.